Hello everybody! It’s me again – Nina! Your favorite Food-Saving Penguin, of course (I don’t assume you know any other penguins). Today, I want to tell you about an exciting competition GoNina has launched for the entire year of 2025 – with the chance to win an E-Bike!
Now, I may not be able to ride one myself (flippers make things tricky), but I must say, E-Bikes are an absolutely brilliant invention. E-Bikes let you move around quickly while still being kind to the environment – the perfect combination.
Thanks to all of you, we built an amazing community of over 10,000 users in 2024, all working together to save food. So in 2025, we want to give something back to you – for helping us on this mission. And all you have to do to enter? Well… just keep eating your favorite foods (sounds like the best competition ever, right?). Let me explain how it works!
How to Win the GoNina E-Bike Competition
Our mission at GoNina has always been about saving food – it’s what drives our team every single day. But we thought, why not add a little extra motivation? And what’s better than the chance to win an E-Bike?
Here’s how it works:
Every month, we count how many Wonder Bags each customer saves.
The Top 5 Savers of each month automatically qualify for the final draw at the end of the year.
Every month is a new chance! That means you can enter again and again – up to 55 people will make it into the final draw.
And then, for the grand finale…
In the first week of December, we’ll draw the grand prize winner live on our social media channels. But don’t worry – we’ve got extra surprises for the runners-up too. (You’ll have to wait and see!)
Important to remember:
Each month, the counter resets to zero – so everyone has an equal chance to qualify.
The more Wonder Bags you save, the more times you can enter – so keep going to increase your chances of winning.
Where Will Your E-Bike Take You?
Maybe you’re wondering, “What would I even do with an E-Bike?” Well, if you’re not the biggest cycling fan, let me convince you. Picture this: Zürich, on two wheels, in every season. Whether it’s spring in full bloom, a warm summer evening, a misty autumn morning, or a snowy winter wonderland – exploring the city by E-Bike is a magical experience. And to make it even more exciting, I’ve created the ultimate GoNina Food Tour Route – a perfect E-Bike adventure through Zürich’s best food-saving spots.
The Ultimate Zürich Food-Saving E-Bike Route according to Nina (ME!):
Start with lunch at VITO at Limmatplatz – because pizza is always a good idea.
Enjoy your slice overlooking the Limmat and Letten – food always tastes better with a view.
Hop back on your E-Bike and grab an afternoon snack at the UBS Restaurant Cafeteria in Europallee.
Take a scenic ride to Hardstrasse to save some croissants and pick up tomorrow’s vegan breakfast.
Wind down the evening at Irchel Park, the perfect sunset spot.
Dinner time! Pick up a delicious sushi Wonder Bag at TINYFISH on Sonneggstrasse.
And for a late-night snack? M’Panada at Zürich HB has the perfect empanadas waiting for you.
Even if you don’t win the GoNina E-Bike, you can try this food adventure right now – and if you’re on a regular bike, well… you’ll have earned those extra calories even more!

Tell Us Your Favorite Route!
Now it’s your turn. What are your favorite food saving spots in Zürich? How would you map out your dream E-Bike route? Let us know in the comments. I can’t wait for all of you to try it – and if anyone is up for giving me a lift on their bike rack, let me know. I promise I don’t weigh much… well, maybe after all those Wonder Bags, I do.
See you soon, hopefully on an E-Bike!
Nina the Penguin